STARTED! <International Shipping>
You can purchase [petit a petit] products from overseas. We have introduced WorldShopping service who will purchase on behalf of you and deliver it to your doorstep. With support available in multiple languages, feel free to visit our website and enjoy unlimited shopping in [petit a petit].
<International Shipping>
1.When you access the website from oveAbout rseas, the “WorldShopping Cart” will be displayed automatically.
2.Add your favorite items to the WorldShopping cart.
Click “Add to Cart” of the WorldShoppinng banner to proceed to buy your favorite items.
The cart will only appear for items that can be purchased from your country.
→Explore WorldShopping Guide for More details.
海外からプティタプティの商品を購入することができます。 プティタプティの商品を購入代行して玄関先まで届けてくれるWorldShoppingサービスを導入しています。多言語でのサポートもあるので、気軽にサイトを訪れて、プティタプティでのお買い物を無制限にお楽しみください。